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- V1.0 first public version
- V1.1 - Functions "Rotate" and "Redraw" had the same shortcut. Changed
- "Redraw" to AMIGA-A, because it`s not often used.
- - New tooltypes: Function-keys (F1-F10) can be mapped to any
- available element.
- - More keyboard functions: schematic can be scrolled via cursor-keys,
- all gadgets in "edit element"-window have keyboard shortcuts.
- - Little bug in plot-window: left border was sometimes to small, has
- fixed size now.
- - "Operation Point" in "Internal Elements" removed.
- !! - Added stimulus-editor for all "Piecewise linear current/voltage"
- sources. (experimental)
- See "Menüfunktionen"
- !! - New element-library (Analog Devices) with OpAmps and voltage
- comparators. I`m not sure, wether it runs 100% correctly, be
- careful...
- !! - Knot-elements can now have an initial voltage. Check with menu
- function: "edit element"
- V1.2 - English manual written by Leif Johnsson.
- !! - Localization excluding all circuit elements.
- (currently german and english)
- !! - complete rewrite of plot window.
- !! - EPS export of the schematic
- (needs amigametaformat.library © by Henk Jonas).
- New tooltypes EPSFONT and EPSFONTSIZE.
- - Installerscript
- - Additional NMOS and transistor libraries by Hendrik Jan Zwerver
- - Status window on startup. (loading of all libs can take
- some time...)
- - Added my bank-account to the manual - feel free to send me
- some money. (I'm just a student...)
- !! - You can now double-click the elements to open the edit-window
- V1.3 !! - Added OPTIONS element to internal lib. All SPICE control variables
- can now be changed by adding this element to a circuit.
- !! - Knots can now be selected directly, without having to activate
- an element before. MUCH easier to edit now...
- - Fixed a bug with the "asynchronous" plot-window. Asynchronous
- means, that you can still use all other program-functions BUT
- you cannot open more than ONE plot-window. Now a requester will
- pop-up in this case.
- - Corrected Hendrik Jan Zwervers name in this file. (sorry...)
- - Version 1.2 crashed when started from CLI, fixed now.
- !! - Library elements which are described by a subcircuit can now
- have parameters. Look at example circuit "Transformator".
- !! - Added "transformer"-element, which uses the feature above, to
- the "passive elements"-library.
- - I switched over to a 68040/40 with 40MHz (playing DOOM and
- DESCENT...) so I added a special 68040/40 version to the archive.
- - Spanish manual and locale by Juan Antonio Burgos López
- !! the new things that came in V1.3 are still in english, because
- for me there's no difference between spanish and chineese !!
- (to Juan: you can find the english sentences in the manual by
- simply searching for a double "!!". There's also one locale string
- which you can find by searching for "NOT TRANSLATED")
- - Additional libraries by Hendrik Jan Zwerver
- V1.4 - Added an alternative inductor by Hendrik Jan Zwerver to the
- "passive elements" library
- - Italian catalog by Alessandro Basso
- - Again some new bibs by Hendrik Jan Zwerver
- - French catalog by Jean-Michel Chapron
- !! - Added the "cross under mousepointer"-function in the plotwindow
- again. MUCH better now.
- !! - AmiSPICEed can now be run on an own customscreen. Screenmode and
- colors must be controled via two new tooltypes - read the guide!
- V1.5 !! - Additional Gadget in Plotwindow makes it possible to save the
- active plots into an ASCII-file. The used delimitter can be
- selected via a new tooltype (DELIMITTER).
- - Installerscript was not working because of missing directories
- in the lha-file. Does nobody use the installer, or why didn't I
- receive any mails about this?!?
- !! - I had a bad bad bug in the plot-output of an AC analysis. SPICE
- doesn't give me the magnitude and phase values but real and
- imaginary parts. Now the window initially shows Re() and Im().
- - Again some more libs and elements by Hendrik Jan Zwerver.
- (As usual...)
- !! - Added a configurable voltage switch to the "contr.switches" library,
- just to show how to use subcircuit-parameters for elements which
- are described by a model. Found a little bug there: only one
- parameter per line was accepted, fixed now.
- - Fixed a little bug in the resizing-routine of the plot-window.
- A wrong drawmode was possible, when clearing the window.
- - Installerscript contains some spanish-strings now.
- Again thanks to Juan Antonio Burgos López
- !! - Now you have the possibility to add new plots to the plot-window
- by entering expressions of UNLIMITTED complexity like: U1+U2,
- 2*(U1+U2-U3/2), abs(A0) or phase(U0), abs(A0), Re(U0)+Im(U0).
- (Thanks to my good old prof from India who told me about the
- "inverse polish notation" at the university) There are some
- differences between normal and complex mode (in AC-plots), so
- - The "library"-listview is now scalable too. The two listviews
- will split the window in two halves (approx.)
- - Elements can now be deleted via the DEL-key.
- V1.6 - Updated italien catalog by Alessandro Basso.
- - Little bug in the plotting routine: if a plot was plotted with
- dashed lines, the box around was dashed, too.
- - New element (OP97) by Niklas Wallin.
- !! - non-linear controlled sources (B-sources) can now use voltages
- in their expressions. Read the guide and have a look at the demo
- circuit: "B-Test".
- - Very important: added a NEW surf-picture of mine. It was shot
- in the morning of the 4th june of 1998 at Lemkenhafen on the
- nice german island called Fehmarn.
- - Updated spanish catalog and guide by Juan Antonio Burgos López
- V1.7 - Bug in the new B-source routines: it didn't work in subcircuits.
- Fixed now. (took only a minute - how stupid!)
- - Libraries are now sorted alphabetically during load. Only the
- "Internal library" will stay at the top.
- - All elements in the libraries are now in alphabetical order.
- Please add your new elements at the correct place.
- !! - Subcircuit exorting was faulty. If two (ore more) subs with the
- same name were in a circuit, only one was exported.
- - Some enhancements to the bipolar and transistor bibs by
- Andrzej Boreczko
- !! - Added new tooltype: DRAWVALUES. Values of some elements will be
- printed in brakets behind the spice-name (eg. R0 (10k)). Currently
- resistors, capacitors and inductors are supported.
- !! - Spice output-file (T:rawfile.spice) wasn't successfully deleted
- after execution. I tried to delete it before I closed the file...
- Fixed now.
- - Polish catalog by Andrzej Boreczko
- - Added some strings to the catalogs which were not translated
- before. (Only english and german!) You can find these strings in
- the "Catalogs.sc" file by searching for "NOT TRANSLATED!".
- - Again a new surfpicture of mine - is's on the Veluwemeer in
- the netherlands.
- - New library "FETS.bib" by Andrzej Boreczko
- V1.8 - NE5561-model and example circuits by Hendrik Jan Zwerver. Extra page
- added to the guide files.
- - Some people of WARP9 created an "official homepage" for AmiSPICEed at
- http://www.w9.org/HTML/spice.html
- - Found a "little" memory bug related to circuit simulation.
- - Splitted plots were joined again, when the plot window was resized -
- fixed now.
- - Value-gadgets at the left side of the plot window were to small when
- using big fonts - should be better know.
- - Shortcuts for elements in external libs didn't work - fixed.
- - New menu-entry: "save as IC..." - the circuit (and it's subcircuits)
- beeing currently on the display is saved to the ICs directory. The
- name of the output file is the name of the current IC by default.
- - Added some more elements with value display (constant current and
- voltage, sinus current and voltage)
- - Compiled an extra version for 68060 users.
- V1.9 - New tooltype GRID=ON/OFF implemented to select a grid-mode for the
- schematics window.
- - Improved value display of sinus sources a bit - if no value for FREQ
- or amplitude is given, NOTHING will be displayed.
- - EPS-output improved - element numbers will be printed now.
- - Removed the nervy "Really delete selected element?"-requester.
- - Improved the editor a bit: elements which are currently moved around
- can now be rotated and flipped in move-mode. You have to replace the
- element first before most of the other functions can be performed or
- before a new element can be selected.
- - Updated polish catalog and installer-script by Andrzej Boreczko.
- - Very nice NewIcon by Andrzej Boreczko.
- - New italien catalog by Matteo Cortese.
- - Changed default-colours and grid line-style of plot-window a bit.
- - Subcircuits in subcircuits didn't work in simulation because all sub-
- cicuits were instanciated at the top-level in SPICE-files. Fixed.
- - Added a configurable relais to the switches library. (I don't know
- wether it really works good...)
- - Two new potis in passive.bib by Hendrik Jan Zwerver.
- - New french catalog and guide by Jean Michel Chapron.
- V2.0 - Filerequester for loading a library didn't open on custom-screen -
- should be ok now.
- - Position and size of the filerequesters is saved to and loaded from
- the prefs file now (save window positions).
- - Menus have now NEWLOOK style.
- - New polish catalog by Andrzej Boreczko
- - New location of the homepage at:
- www.snafu.de/~ramboy/HTML/spice.html
- - Circuits can now contain more than one type of analysis. Element
- numbers can now be edited and whenever exporting a circuit with
- more than one type of analysis, a requester pops up and asks for
- the element-number of the active one.
- UPDATE: - New libraries (led, Schottky, Varactor) and some more zeners by
- Davide Drapa.
- V2.1 - Little bugfix in the initialization of the library listview.
- - New window with shortcut buttons for all elements of the internal
- library.
- - Some new and enhanced libs: led.bib, Schottky.bib, SemiConductive.bib,
- Varactor.bib, Zeners.bib
- Known bugs:
- - Rotating interface elements in subcircuits in move-mode leaves the
- connections at top-level untouched.
- - Loading of ICs sometimes still shouffles the connections.
- - Sometimes (when returning from a subcircuit?!) the drawn grid is off
- the real grid.